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**Please do not inquire about the availability of any dogs in foster care.  When a dog is ready for adoption, the adoption application process will be posted on our social media ** 


Mayou has been enjoying his summer time. He went to the spa in early August and has also been enjoying his visits to Guelph. He does not enjoy Guelph Lake but does very much enjoy his hikes in the woods.

His reaction time to new people continues to get better and better all the time. He really enjoys meeting new people and really wants to trust new people.


He has now had his second ear treatment. If he is better this time, it is considered to be a cure. We will know in the next couple of weeks how his ears are. He loves going to the vet and has a great time charming everyone there. He is also very well behaved at the vet office.

Mayou went on an adventure last weekend and went to his first rowing regatta. He got to test out my new cooling mat as well as wade in the water to stay cool. He was very good at meeting new people and dogs that day as well. His excessive barking has improved immensely and he now gets used to new people within minutes versus 1/2 an hour.

We have found new comfort toys for Mayou (I purchased multiple so that if something happens to one, I have a ready replacement). He continues to be a character and a very happy boy!


Mayou has been to the vet for a check-up as well as a visit for his ears. He managed to charm everyone there and obtain the maximum number of treats in the shortest period of time possible.

He has learned to sit, lie down and come when called as well as to share his toys. He is starting to become more confident and his barking at strangers (and men more specifically) is becoming less and less over time.

He arrived with a toy that he uses for comfort and it is currently on its last legs. We are currently in a race to find a replacement toy before it’s too late.


A little over two weeks ago, we moved Mayou to a different foster home where he could get additional training and closer access to any medical professionals he may need. He has adjusted really well to his new surroundings and the other animals in the foster home. He has started to play with the humans (not the dogs yet) and does the zoomies on foster mom’s bed pretty regularly. He does suffer some separation anxiety but he is fine with having a companion when he is left alone and he settles really quickly. He has a lovely high-pitched squeal that is used to get our attention, to express joy or just because the voices in his head tell him it’s a good idea.

Medically we are reviewing some of the feedback we received from the previous foster home’s vet who saw him recently. His ear infection has cleared up and so far we haven’t seen any other allergy symptoms. He continues to exhibit a fairly hoarse cough once in a while and wonder if he has a tracheal weakness. He’ll be going to the current foster home’s vet shortly to further explore the cause of the cough and his wonky walk as well as to shorten his raptor-like nails. Mayou is a lovely boy who, after some initial shyness, blossoms with people.


Mayou is settling into his foster home and is quite the sweet and cuddly bug!

Despite being walked regularly, he has had some accidents in the house. Mayou does not indicate when he needs to go out. This has been improving as we are learning his signs and giving lots of positive reinforcement when he does his business outside. Mayou thrives with lots of positive assurance and affirmation. 


He is a timid fellow that shows fear or uncertainty by barking and avoiding contact with adults especially if they tower over him or make loud noises. 


Mayou sucks his favourite rag toy like a puppy when going to sleep! So cute!

He is off to the vet next week to have a check-up and discuss potential seasonal allergies. 


Meet heartthrob Mayou who came into foster care this weekend. He’s going to be 4 years old in July and is neutered and up to date on his vaccinations. He does seem to have some allergy symptoms which we’ll be working on and will see the vet in a couple of weeks or so to have a general checkup and perhaps a Cytopoint shot.


Mayou is a happy boy who is enjoying playing with his new little girl companion and sleeping in BigBed with his foster parents. We look forward to getting to know him better.

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